Childhood and Education
Sayyed Ali Khamenei was born in Mashad, the holiest city, in the north-eastern
Political Activities before Victory of The Islamic Revolution
During the rule of the deposed shah, Ay. Khamenei was a favourite pupil of Imam Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, he was also considered to be one of the most eminent and dependable leaders of the movement of the Iranian Muslims, this movement entered a new phase in 1962 after Imam Khomini`s pronouncements against the Shah regime.
Responsibilities After the Victory
In the course of these struggles, Ay. Khamenei was arrested many times and spent three years in prison between 1964 and 1978. He was also exiled to a place with worst climate condition for almost a year.
In 1978, upon return from exile and the height of the revolutionary of the Iranian Muslims, he, together with a few close associates led the struggle of the people in Khorasan.
Later, in the same year when Leader of the Revolution was temporarily in
At about this time, Imam Khomeini chose him to lead the Friday congregational Prayers in
Ay. Khamenei was one of the founding members of the Islamic Republic Party in
Ay. Khamenei was the victim of an assassination attempt on 27th June 1981. having delivered an important speech at the consultative assembly, which ended in the dismissal of Bani-Sader from the Presidency of IRAN, he was addressing the faithful at poor residential area in Tehran, after leading the congregational prayer, when a time-bomb exploded nearby which injured him in the hand, chest and face. He was immediately transferred to a hospital by the deboted people of
In the 1981, following the martyrdom of the second President of the Islamic republic of Iran, he becomes a candidate and, in September of the same year, he was elected the Third President of the Islamic Republic of Iran with %95 of the votes cast in his favour by the Iranian people (the total number of votes was 16,847,717). He was reelected as president in 1985 for a second four-year term.
Ay. Khamenei heads the Supreme Council of Defence and the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution.
Since the beginning of the imposed war, he has often visited various war fronts and has often inspected the frontline in order to help remove any shortcoming or to advise on organizational matters.
In 4th June 1989, One day after demise of Imam Khomeimi, Assembly of Experts closed Ayatollah Khamenei to lead the Islamic Revolution of IRAN.Since 1994, Ayatollah Khamenei has been introduced as the Religious authority in religious authority for Shi`ait people in the world by the Ulama from different countries.
Works & Books
He has a good command of the Arabic and Turkish and English language and, in addition to writing, he is a good judge of literary and poetic works. He has translated and written numerous books on Islam and history. His translations include " Future of the Islamic lands," " A Thdictment against the Western Civilization," and " Imam Hassan`s Peace Treaty." From among his writings, one may mention: " The Role of Muslims in the

کارگزاران نظام اسلامی
سیاست داخلی ایران
سیاست بین الملل
حوزه علمیه و طلاب
دانشگاه و دانشجویان
اسلام ناب محمدی
آموزش و پرورش
ارتش بیست میلیونی
گنجینه دفاع مقدس
الگوی اسلامی-ایرانی پیشرفت
پاسخ به شبهات ولایت فقیه
فرهنگ بومی و ملی
جنگ نرم و تبلیغات
اتحاد و انسجام اسلامی
بیداری اسلامی ملتها
همت مضاعف
شرح حدیث
ماه مبارک رمضان
راه نمای همسران جوان
درباره امام خامنه ای
چرا می گوییم امام خامنه ای؟
آرشیو سایت

رهسپاریم با ولایت تا شهادت
وبلاگ علمی مقالات مدیریت
.: شهر عشق :.
منطقه آزاد
گروه اینترنتی جرقه داتکو
در برابر نسیم
صل الله علی الباکین علی الحسین
انا مجنون الحسین
من هیچم
وبلاگ سید حسن نصرالله
حدائق ذات بهجة
ایــ عزیـــــز ـــــــران
با سید علی تا فتح قدس
رهروان ولایت
امیر قافله صبر و بصیرت
هدایتگر آسمانی
سربازان سید علی خامنه ای
از رهبر چه میدانید؟
جانم فدای رهبر جانبازم
بسیج شهید چمران شیراز
مرد دفاع
جانم فدای رهبر
شمشیر ولایت
یار ولایت
ما اهل کوفه نیستیم
من باتو هیچگاه نبودم تو با منی
طرفداران عدالت
موج رهروان ولایت
فدایی رهبر
امام خامنه ای
عشق من امام خامنه ای
فیـــــه ما فیـــــه
رهروان ولایت و امام
دانش آموزان پیرو خط ولایت
عمار امام سیدعلی
مکتب ولایت
ولایت فقیه و دفاع از آن
فدائیان ولایت گرگان